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Balance Hormones Naturally

Unbalanced hormones are the issue no one is talking about. No matter your age, you could be experiencing the negative effects of your hormone levels being out of whack. Do you have low libido? Frequent mood swings? Weight fluctuations? Poor sleep quality or exhaustion? Or struggles with hair loss and infertility? If you answered yes to any of these, you may have a hormone imbalance. We always recommend consulting a physician if you think you need medical advice, but if you only experience minor symptoms or if medication isn’t right for you, we have some suggestions to help balance hormones in a 100% natural way.

1. A Carrot A Day Keeps Imbalance Away

Raw carrots have a unique fiber that helps cleanse excess estrogen from the body. Too much estrogen is almost always the source of hormonal imbalance.

2. Replace Vegetable Oil

We typically get too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 in our diets, so replacing omega-6-rich oils with old-fashioned animal oils like grass-fed butter is a hormone-healthy choice.

3. Enjoy Some Liver

Gram for gram, liver is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet, so eating it is a good decision no matter what! For hormone balancing purposes, liver is a rich source of vitamin A. Vitamin A improves thyroid function and helps your own liver get stronger so we can flush out our own extra hormones.

4. Balance Your Exercise

While cardio every once in a while is very good for you, too much actually puts stress on your body. The hormone damage comes from adrenal spikes caused by intense workouts. If you’ve been struggling with hormone imbalance, try to weight your workouts towards yoga, light weight-lifting, and especially walks and hikes in nature.

5. Ditch or Change Your Birth Control

If you take hormonal birth control and noticed that you started experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms after starting, you may want to consider ditching it. While it can help balance hormones for some women, for others it can cause imbalances and nasty side effects. Consider switching to non-hormonal birth control options like condoms, spermicide, rhythm, or sterilization surgery.

6. Ditch Caffeine

I don’t love this suggestion, but I have had personal experience with the liberation that comes from living the caffeine-free life. In small amounts, caffeine can be good for you–but when you consume too much, it can wreak havoc with your endocrine system. Replacing coffee with herbal tea or green tea can reduce the concentration of caffeine in your body and even out your hormone levels.
Always keep in mind that home remedies are never a replacement for a trained physician. If you’re having serious issues with any of the symptoms mentioned at the beginning of this article, go talk to your doctor!