We ship on Monday and Tuesdays to ensure you will receive your delicious baked goods as fresh as possible.
Order by Tuesday, 10am MT to receive your order within the same week.
East Coast orders ship on Monday please be sure to have your order in by Sunday midnight.

The Gluten Free Lunchbox


If you have kiddos, then you know that school is back in session! And you may be stumped on what to pack for lunches. It’s easy to get in a slump and pack the same tried-and-true lunchbox over and over again. It gets boring for your kids, it gets boring for you! Lucky for you, … Read more

Cooling Herbs and Spices


After that brief respite the last two weeks, it looks like the temperature is going to climb back into the hot and uncomfortable ranges. If you’re like me, you may put yourself directly in the path of a fan with a cool drink and still feel hot and sticky.    Never fear! Outrageous is here … Read more

August 2017 will be out of this world!


It’s August—somehow, already—and we here in the U.S. have the incredible luck of being in the right place for two amazing space events, including the celestial event of the century.    On Monday, August 21, the visible path of a total solar eclipse will travel along the whole of the United States, from Oregon to … Read more

The Benefits of Tart Cherries

cherry on a box

It’s the height of summer, and tart cherry season is beginning to wind down—and if you’re anything like me, you’re hoarding them as long as possible! We all know cherries are delicious, but did you know that tart cherries have all kinds of health benefits associated with them?    First of all, tart cherries are … Read more

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Mother's day gluten-free giveaway

Gluten-Free Giveaway In honor of all the moms, step-moms, grandmothers and other folks serving as moms out there, we want to honor you and thank you for all that you do. We wish you the very happiest of Mother’s Day celebrations!   All day Friday April 29 – through Sunday at 11:59 you can enter to … Read more

Gluten-Free Mike Review

We are always so grateful when people review our Outrageous Baking Gluten-Free products. Gluten-free Mike took the time to taste test and review some of our sweet breads and he even tried our gluten-free flour mix.   I have a tremendous sweet tooth so when Outrageous Baking out of Colorado reached out to me to … Read more


Pizzelles for holidays

A delicious light holiday cookie, perfect for sharing with family and friends.

Attitude about Gratitude: What’s Yours?

60 quotes change thinking

This week we ironically take a break from focusing on food in the midst of the holiday most known for it. The other theme of this holiday is, of course, meditating on and expressing what it is we are thankful for. While some people make a daily practice of recognizing that for which they are … Read more

Vegetarian Mama Review

Coffee cake Outrageous Review

We want to thank Cindy, A.K.A., the Vegetarian Mamma for visiting with us at the Gluten-free Expo in Chicago this past weekend. Cindy has written an awesome review of Outrageous Baking products – Thanks, Cindy! Check out Vegetarian Mamma on Facebook and Twitter.  

Gluten-free Cyber Monday!

colorful dc presents

We hope you all enjoyed a peaceful and healthy Thanksgiving! In honor of the holiday season all day today (Monday November 26th) receive 25% off all orders! Like us on Facebook and click on the “fan specials” tab to reveal the special coupon code then visit our online store, place your order and enter the coupon code upon … Read more

Wheatless Mama Review

Dallas Expo Logo

Last month we attended the amazing Gluten-free expo in Dallas. We met so many wonderful and amazing folks. Thanks so much to Martha at Wheatless Mama for this great review.

The Truth about Celiac Disease

question mark

A summary of a recent Living Without article May 7, 2012

Any time you have a medically ordered dietary restriction, life changes. Things that most people take for granted, such as grabbing a quick snack while out and about or enjoying the buffet at the office party, become potentially life-threatening adventures. There is so much information, and mis-information, about living with celiac disease. How do you sort through the constant barrage of gluten-free data?

I recently read an excellent article in Living Without where they lay out seven of the top myths associated with Celiac Disease. The article is long but well worth the read and I wanted to provide a quick summary of the questions and the realities and encourage you to read the full article, especially if you are new to the world of gluten-free living.

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Do You Pay Attention to Your Food Allergy?

melting chocolate

Did anyone else read the report that came out a couple of weeks ago stating that many people ignore food-allergy warnings despite receiving a food allergy diagnosis?  Initially after reading the article, I couldn’t help but wonder why anyone would knowingly risk an allergic reaction.  Then I thought about it. If, for example, I had a non-life threatening chocolate allergy and someone told me that I could no longer eat chocolate, could I really eliminate chocolate completely? 

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Plant a Garden – They’re Naturally Gluten-Free


Spring is here. We all start to come out of hibernation, smell the budding trees and early flowers. We get out of the house for long walks and watch as the world comes to life again.  It’s the perfect time for clearing out the clutter both in our bodies and in our homes and recommitting to those health and wellness goals we made back in January.

If one of your goals was to improve your eating habits, this is the perfect time to plant a garden to support your nutrition goals. 

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