We ship on Monday and Tuesdays to ensure you will receive your delicious baked goods as fresh as possible.
Order by Tuesday, 10am MT to receive your order within the same week.
East Coast orders ship on Monday please be sure to have your order in by Sunday midnight.

Natural Allergy Relief


It’s that time of year–flowers are blooming, trees are returning to life, and allergens of every kind are pushing their way through the soil. Having seasonal allergies is the worst, and being reliant on store-brand drugs can be a serious hindrance. Some make you sleepy, some have other side effects, and most are pretty expensive. … Read more

5 Ways to Live Greener


5 Ways to Live Greener I love the outdoors. The purity and sanctity of nature is something many of us take for granted, and nothing is more disappointing than seeing trash on the bank of a mountain stream or finding plastic in the underbrush of a backcountry trail. Our planet is in danger, and it’s … Read more

Spring Herbs for Cleansing

different herbs on pots

With allergens like pollen and dust whipped up in the air, Spring can be a time for more than just cleaning your house. You may feel the need to cleanse yourself and get a fresh start with warm weather. Try Some Of These Detoxifying Herbs And Spices To Get Your Spring Started Right! 1. Dandelion … Read more

Plant a Garden – They’re Naturally Gluten-Free


Spring is here. We all start to come out of hibernation, smell the budding trees and early flowers. We get out of the house for long walks and watch as the world comes to life again.  It’s the perfect time for clearing out the clutter both in our bodies and in our homes and recommitting to those health and wellness goals we made back in January.

If one of your goals was to improve your eating habits, this is the perfect time to plant a garden to support your nutrition goals. 

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